
I love wine and my boys.

Archive for the category “holiday”

Wine Themed Napkins

I found these cute wine themed napkins at Pier 1 Imports last week. As we head into the holiday party season, they make a cute addition to any table at $5 a pack.


Oh, and for those of us turning 40 sooner than we’d like, we’re covered too.


If Forty Is The New Twenty, Then Cellulite Must Be The New Tattoo

How To Decorate Wine Bottles For Halloween

Freixenet Cordon Negro All Spooked Up For Halloween

Halloween is a Monday this year, which means the holiday will be turned into a 3 (maybe 4) day celebration. You’ll have events on Friday, Saturday (maybe Sunday) and Monday.

The kids get Monday for the trick or treating. That’s a given. Mom and Dad might take one of the other days on the weekend to get ghoulish with some friends. If a house Halloween party is on tap for your crew, don’t show up empty handed.

A bottle of Spanish bubble Freixenet Cordon Negro makes the perfect host(ess) gift. The matte black bottle (murdered out as Rob Dyrdek would say) easily lends itself to the spirit of the season and it’s simple to dress up.

A tissue, elastic and felt is all you need to turn your bottle into a spooky and festive ghost. The plain silhouette of the bottle is also a great canvas for stickers you might have left over from decorating with the kids.

The wispy curls of “smoke” that pop with the cork and when it’s poured also chime in time with the mood of the party.

It’s affordable too, with prices around $15.

This latest bottling of the classic Cordon Negro Brut is as clean, fresh, fruity and balanced as ever; infinitely drinkable without demanding too much contemplation. [Wine Access]

Visit Freixenet on Facebook for more fun Halloween ideas.

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